Kami menyediakan Spesifikasi Office Container 20ft modifikasi yang bisa digunakan sebagai kantor, tempat tinggal dan sebagainya, dibuat dengan bahan2 yang berkualitas.
Our Specification:
- 1.1 Container : Used 20 ft container 75-90% condition
- 2. Ceiling Frame and Internal wall frame : Rangka hollow Galvalum 40x40
- 3. Wall and Ceiling by 3 mm melamine
- 30 x 30 Floor covered by vinyl
- Insulation by Glasswool
- 1 unit main entry door
- 2 unit almunium sliding windows
- small removeable awnings over the door, windows and exhaust fan
- exhaust fan completed with power socket
- 2 unit double flourescence lights
- 1 unit exterior lamp
- 1 PK Air Conditioner w/ 16 A 3 Pins Power Socket
- 3 unit 16A 2 pins single power socket
- 1 unit telephone socket point
- MCB Box completed with 3 sukaku MCB domae 16A, 10A and 6A 1 Phase
- 1 unit Mounting Socket IP 65 completed with hollow box steel frame
- all elecrtical wiring will be inside of the wall celling , for light using 1,5mm cable up to 16A
- using 2,5mm cable 25 to 16 A using 3mm cable
- exterior will be painted using epoxy primer and finished in F Talit gloss top coat